Saturday 1 October 2016

OUGD502: 'Record Exhibition by Alec Aarons'

A collection of photographs documenting record stores across the country, where he purchased a record at each one and later formed a publication.

The exhibition was hosted at The Brunswick. As Alec and I are friends and collaborative partners, I helped him co-ordinate the space and got him in touch with The I AM Collective for promotion and advice. The opening night was a success with lots of people turning up and posting it on social media.
I also helped with the design identity of the event in a collaborative process with Alec which was an invaluable learning experience as it gave me an inside into how proper curation works, as well as organising and project managing the opening night and production. In the future I would like to put on my own exhibition, so may use the year as an opportunity to expand my own practice, indulging in self directed brief's to expand my portfolio and what I could exhibit.

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