Friday 9 October 2015

OUGD402 // A few more Graphic Design Studios

"Hey Studios" based in Barcelona and established in 2007 is a small design studio focusing on geometric, digitally rendered outcomes. Colour and vector graphics are a common theme accross their work, alongside a whole series in Typographic design. Their client range is vast working with companies such as Coca Cola and 3 Mobiles, showcasing their success in only a few years. They class themselves as an "attitude", making them stand out in their market.

In addition 'Sagmeister and Walsh', probably one of the better known design companies based in NYC also take on a small personnel approach- with only 4 members of the team. Despite their small breadth, each individual has a specialty allowing collaboration to flow in the most effective and professional way. Each individual works as a creative director alongside foundef Stephen Sagmeister, which I feel is a huge factor for their success. S&W focus on web/ signage/ editorial and enviromental work, with clients ranging from the Rolling Stones to Crown Plaza and Levis Jeans.
 A 60's Pop Art theme is apparent throughout due to the individual colour uses in each brief, possibly due to Mr Sagmisters work on the music scene in the 60's posing as an influence.
Another small but effective design studio is "Hey Day" based in Oslo. The 6 person team work one on one with clients, to create "digital solutions" for everyday challenges. Alongside the 6, they have a "network of talent", composed of photographers, illustrators and well- any other creative sector you can think of. Their design style is minimalist and quite Scandinavian, possibly to convey their mission of "[challenging] the established truth". The 'USP' of this company does differ from the other 'all in one' companies, where they experiment and print on wood. They created a series of wooden business cards which truley blew my mind. I have never printed on or worked with such a hard media but would defiantly not rule it out in the future after seeing their work.
Another experimental design house is "Lust" based in the Netherlands. Their work is very experimental, creating architectural graphics and instillations with a very post-modernist vibe throughout. Lust say they want to "run the boundaries" which certainly comes accross in their quirky use of colour, hand processes and media. They take individualism so seriously they even have a "LustLab", dedicated to finding what is pushing the boundaries at each time.  
In contrast Dutch 'Studio Dumbar', established in 1977 and recognised as the 3rd most awarded studio naturally take a different approach. They also look at branding, both tangible and online, whilst having a huge ethical stance towards charity work. Roughly 1/3 of all Dumbar's work is given away free to the Dutch government for trains and publications, highlighting their ethos for "passion not profit"- an admitable trait for such a successful company. Becoming international recognised with awards and coverage is naturally a desire for design companies, one being "Build Design Studios". Origionally founded in London but now based in Yorkshire, Build have been published in over 100 books world wide and are highly ranked throughout the world. Some clients include Nike and Microsoft, utilizing them for their unique style and abilty to do everything. After looking theough their portpholio it is apparent they stick to 2/3 coordinating colours per piece, alongside a San-Serif typeface running throughout the heart of the company. Their flat work style isnreminicent of screen printing, possibly referincing a Warhol infuence to them as practitioners. The creative logic is epitomised in my favorite quote from Michael .C. Place (C.D); "I dont really understand people who are trying to be cool" says everything about them. They do not care if they do not fit conventions, they write their own rules and do it with passion and authority- a hugely inspiring quailty.
Following the Yorkshire theme, 'Elmwood Studios' based on Leeds' Walk Lane and established in 1997 have won more awards flr effectiveness than anyone else. They are renowed in league tables so can essentially do what they want with guarenteed creative merit. This may have prompted them to launch their own tea and beer brand, whilst launching their studio's globally. Brisbane, NYC and London all host a Elmwood, a place where 'house styles' do not exist, just clever thought prevoking design soloutions. Elmwood are also very big on sustainability whilst being market sensitive to stay ahead of the game. 
On the other hand, 'Bleed' based in Olson & Vienna show influenced links theoughout their work. Architecture and Cubism seem to inspire many design qualities- especially the "Monier" company brief set in Oslo. Their use of  clever ad work over social media is insane... They created an advertisement on twitter that changed colour dependant on how many viewers saw it, such an innivotive concept. Their work is both 2D and 3D acting as a multidisciplinary design company. Their employees are from all accross the world, evident as Bleed try and represent all different cultures in their branding, thus try and get their persona accross in all their work.
Another modernist studio is "Face", established in 2006 in a small Mexican city. The small studio of 10 goes off the belief "simplicity works", a quote I completely agree with. They try and portray honest branding with emphasis on customer relationships, so much so they give them a questionaire to fill in titled "your homework". Moving accross the world, 'Dessein' established in 1987 in Perth, Australia are also driven by "effective, clean, colourful [and] fresh" graphic design. It seems they monopolised their local rural market for branding and identity, thus casting a wider net and naturally growing in size. Today they are still only small, but have employees from all accross the globe whilst being classed as one of the "50 greatest design studios in the world". Now, last but not least an old favorite- 'Wolf Olins' established in 1969 embody the idea that a good series of branding lasts forever. Now based in London, Sa Fransisco and NYC they are controversial and driven by possitive social complexity. Their diverse style is compelled by deep and meaningful change projected through good design. Wolf Olins have been noted to say "learn more and give back", which seems is a necessary quality to become successful within the creative arts. Their large reputation has taken them to work with clients such as EE, Skype, the Cancer Trust and even lead them to design the London 2012 Olympics. Throughout this long list of influencial design houses along the world, so many similarities have come to head. A heavy presence on social media to create a global viewing stage for your work, internationalisation but remaining in small teams and personal projects all being a key for success. In conclusion, stay small, stay successful and have a USP. 

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