Thursday 10 November 2016

OUGD502- Harrison Park Talk

Harrison is an LCA Graduate, working at 2 studios throughout the week, including StudioDBD, in Manchester 2 days a week

"The most humble people are the best to work with"

Advice to students:
  • Build Connections & Relationships
  • Its not handed to you on a plate
  • Attend as many events as possible
  • Don't be a Dick
  • Don't be afraid to ask
  • Rejection Happens
  • Stay true to yourself
  • Go to events alone, make friends and get your face out there
  • Communicate       
Park discussed selling your Idea's, how you communicate with clients and the importance of making communication personal. He advised to stroke peoples ego's and show/do something different than other students.

  • People like receiving mail, much more thoughtful and considerate. - Send letters to studio's/professionals i'm interested in. Try and cut out the PA.
  • Theres more to life than London
  • Use what you have here- Photography studio, Collaborative Environment, Digital Print
  • Building your portfolio isn't through just set briefs- build portfolio in your own time. The majority of work is dull, boring problems
  • Grade follows- focus on the portfolio
  • Copyright innovative idea's, it allows you to put concepts into words
  • You can't teach (or be taught) concept
  • ALWAYS email back, even if they reject you- it keeps you in their mind as available

Advice on working life
  • Start at a competitive rate, the moneys not great. 
  • People disrespect idea's, so fixated on aesthetic its hard to justify why things should be as they are.
  • Rejection happens. 9/10 you won't get accepted- you need a passion for design.
  • In some studio's its more about the money than the passion - Allocated money per hour, so managing time is essential - "just do it and get it out the door"
  • 'Everyone knows everyone', be a part of the community
Relevance of Own Practice/Work :
  • Shows you can manage own projects and time
  • Expands portfolio from student & studio work
  • Proves ability to generate concepts and execute ideas
Relevance to MY practice/ What I can take from this:

  • Prior to my upcoming trip to London (29th-30th Nov), I need to identify who I need to speak to/pick the brain of, and how to get to them. If applicable and possible, send letters this week to contact these people in an inventive way- perhaps design the envelope in or put something cool inside?

I am not going to be a Graphic Designer- this all looks like hell- what high paid alternatives are out there to give ME a bread and butter income, without loosing my mind?

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