Wednesday 22 February 2017

OUGD502- ButterCrumble Talk

Advice from ButterCrumble, Leeds based creative studio who ceate work to "make people smile". Currently based in Leeds, originally from Scarborough.

Their three main points of advice is... Smile, Have a foundation to your work, Collaboration

To be a professional, you need:

- Need a Portfolio / Connections and Exposure (so people know you exist).

- Journey to social enterprise started in 2012, when they were starting out with illustration and design aspects. In 2012 they did a Doedemee competition, getting exposure in the Observer and other platforms. They are now looking into more social enterprise projects, currently working on Leeds Indie Food Fest 2017. 

Make your own opportunities, knock on their doors and ask for collaboration- don't just wait for it.

Getting their work out there:

- Women Art Food Exhibition, Leeds Gallery, 2016
Wander Exhibition, Old Red Bus Station, 2017
Other spaces include Colours May Vary/ Village/ Munro House etc

Independent Leeds Magazine, Volumes 4,5,6, 2016. Layout, typography and illustration for the issues. Great exposure and made loads of new contacts.

On the Kirkstall Art Trail, 2015-16. Designed all the marketing material as part of a voluntary role, helped secure another paid commission and helped getting exposure.

Garforth Zine Workship and 'Feastival', 2017, gained from the Kirkstall project. Will be creating a zine with the local people of Garthforth, running workshops and again designing the marketing.

Collaboration is essential for success.

Personalise your approach, do some research about them, be excited for your project and passionate about your idea, contribute in any way, never be embarrassed about being passionate. 


Over half of the projects they get is through marketing themselves. Both Twitter and Instagram are used religiously, you need to interact with other people. You're not going to get work from another designer, so reach out to a range of businesses and platforms.

Looking at my own practice, I am building up a following and 'like' base from fashion enthusiasts and professionals, purely from the photography and bits of design work. I hardly post on any social media as it makes me really anxious, but this is something i'm going to have to break out of and really utilise social media NOW. 

Collaboration. Work with someone similar, but different enough to see your styles merging and evolving naturally. Reach out to people and try and find something in common. As long as theres one thing in common you're okay! You have to find the right kind of people with the right kind of skills, even if one of those is project management making sure everything comes out on time!

I plan to take on Buttercrumbles advice and have a holistically professional practice, all about good client relationships and collaborative practice. The importance of collaboration hit home with me in this talk, as everyone who visits discusses how key it is to success.

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