Tuesday 31 January 2017

OUGD502: 5 Week Silversmithing Course

Starting the new year I set myself a goal of exploring new things. Recapping on my Level 4 ambitions, I said how I always wanted to design and make a piece of jewellery, so thought this would be a good additional skill I could incorporate within my knowledge. The aspect of creating 3D type is also of interest to me, as well as seeing how typography could be created through metal. As I still have another year and a half left of LCA life, I want to make the most of the facilities whilst I can and learn from the technicians whilst I'm still here.

The course was lead by Liz (jewellery maker and tutor) in the LCA metalwork department as a night course, (of about 12 people), the basics of making silver jewellery. This process includes annealing silver, soldering with borax solution, placing the item into an acid bath and eventually shaping, cleaning etc. The process is a lot to take in so I made notes throughout the sessions in order to keep track. Much like graphic design, jewellery design has its own field of terminology, as well as necessary equipment for conducting a proper practice. Throughout this year I want to build on the aspect of 'craftsmanship' so I want to try and become as technically competent as I can with Liz's help. The 5 week course was a great opportunity to throw myself into a design craft I have not yet tried, that can still have possible relationships with my course of study.

Initial research

Inspired by the fluid shapes of designers and architects such as Zaha Hadid, silver can be transpired in many ways to create formal contrasts. Jewellery has an appeal as it is wearable art. A statement of design on the body, which must integrate aesthetically and functionally on the wearer, and therefore must have as much consideration as any other design output.

First experiment with 925 Silver, thick silver ring.


From doing all of this I have learnt how the design processes can differ, yet how design is actually all very similar, starting off with sketches and research, progressing through embodying attention to detail, functionality (wearability), aesthetic quality, budgeting and planning.

The business of design can be centred around a product. This can expand to creating my own brand, packaging, collection etc, as well as expanding my skill in craft, budgeting and business awareness. All of this personal development is allowing me to determine my strengths as well as profitable but passionate routes of design, as hopefully one day I want to start a business. Considering raw materials was also something I had to learn, making sure I ordered exactly enough (to the mm), working out the cost of silver by the gram and how much jewellery I could make with that. This meant considering what I would be making (planning), as well as deciding for who (target audience), and getting measurements and designs ready (research&development). If all of these were not right then the jewellery projects would not come together and money would be wasted. It is also good to learn about suppliers and resellers, with certain types of silver being priced at different weights, and when to use high quality 925 silver, and when not. The whole course was a great learning experience, yet since practicing on my own I have found a self-taught path for design, using Liz's basics. 

Since this I have actually had a request for a necklace commission from a boutique owner in Harrogate, so will be sending her over a necklace (pricing to be negotiated and accurately calculated using what I learnt in the LCA business summer school). It may also be good to send her over a nicely designed thank you note or additional jewellery free of cost. It is also an idea to give her this piece free with a possible business arrangement in mind ensuring repeat custom- e.g.: her boutique will have a free sample and first refusal of all pieces for X amount of investment?


Goldsmiths Jewellery Fair (basically the D&AD of the jewellery world)- the place where up and coming jewllers feature, London trade show
Set up Etsy or made to order
Define brand, design and produce packaging
Jewellery exhibitions around the country/documentaries/contact professionals?

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