Monday 16 January 2017

OUGD502: Contacting Creatives 02

Helen Russell Brown is a tutor at Leeds City College, specialising in set design and construction. After exploring an interest in window displays and highlighting craftsmanship as a key ingredient to a successful window display, I felt that contacting a creative based around this area would be of benefit to my practice. I have been told Helen has worked on major Broadway shows, as well as helped construct fashion displays. 

Helen is not really somebody I want to interview for my creative report, yet I feel that she can provide insight into aspects of the the creative industries I have not previously explored, and so her insite and possible contacts are promising. 

We arranged to meet up on the 22nd December and I prepared some questions as well as interest in her personal background:-

- How to you go about creating a set?/ How is the design process different to that of other medias?

- What is the relationship between design and construction?

- What is the process like constructing set design for fashion?

- I can imagine numeric accuracy is a large part of the job, is that a large pressure or do things get double checked?

- To what extent do you have creative control?

- How important is collaboration and placements within theatrical design and graphics?

- What is the relevance of graphic design on catwalk design

Sadly, Helen and I had to cancel our meeting just before Christmas due to personal extenuating circumstances. The implication of these circumstances also meant meeting with Helen was not possible for quite a while after. Looking back on this experience, I wish I had contacted her back (about late Jan) to follow up and rearrange an interview, as I feel I have really missed out on an opportunity not meeting Helen; but everything happens for a reason.

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