Thursday 12 November 2015

OUGD402// Examples of good practice

This morning a group of us showcased our presentations to where we want to be in 10 years time.
For me this is the hardest thing to think of, 99% of the time I don't even know what I want for tea or what movie to watch- let alone where I want to be working in 10 years time!

My presentation (featured below) touched upon my dream job, Vogue Oz, my ambition of directing and curating a powerful and political catwalk show and places I want to travel/ live.

Work for Vogue// Live in Brisbane // Political Runway direction // Inspiration // 2 Kittens

Travel Asia // Do placements across Europe // Design a piece Jewellery // Visit Sedona (my origins) // Go Heli-skiing 

In true 'Jen' fashion, I completely froze when I went to present and forgot all my key points to explain further and why this is relevant to me as an individual. With this in mind, I have composed a quick 'do's & don'ts' presentation guide.

With regards to my presentation style I need to show myself more, not just my exterior shell. Observing others undertaking this presentation was really valuable as different passions came out that many of us hadn't seen before- but as i'm quite introverted, I need to make sure this is visible when talking about my own work and inspirations.  

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