Thursday 4 February 2016

Rockabilly Brief

This all started by receiving an email through university about a 'needed Graphic Designer'.
The description in the email said 'rockabilly graphics', illustrations and american rock styles for a Leeds College of Music event. As this is a huge personal area of interest for me within design, I only felt it best to respond.

Work in progress// 

After sending these back to Ryan for feedback, I modified the selected designs in accordance with the new requirements he's asked.

Overall I am fairly happy with these images, yet I feel I could have created a better avenue to pursue if I wasn't under limited time constraints. If I was to redo the brief, I would start with hand drawn experimentation- hopefully to generate more ideas other than the sugar skull/pin up girl motifs. This has been a good learning experience with regards to dealing with clients, alongside proactively responding to a brief sent through the college email.

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