Tuesday 2 February 2016

Talk with Peter & Paul

Peter and Paul are an all male design collective, based in Leeds, specialising in large space graphics, yet turning their hand at whatever the brief requires. Their collective style is quite bold and sleek, highly digitalised image, encouraging a playful but serious style to their work. The premise of the talk was that all ideas at the centre of design.

It is notable that Peter and Paul have never done work with another design studio. They focus on mainly artists/ photographers, not fellow designers.

Their Philosophy //

Content Rich- Design Light
Content Light- Design Rich
"Too many cooks spoil the turkey", leading to their designated roles.

Past Work //

3D Environmental briefs

Headrow House pattern design

Exhibition for Kid Acne-  Sheffield based artist. They split the exhibition space into 'light' aka Known, and 'dark', aka Unknown, and filled it subsequently with the most appropriate work.
They brought their own inspiration in to contrast the general gallery being very white. Often dressing the space to fit the work.

Designed the graphics in the hallway and vectored the Graphic Design dept at Leeds College of Art. Idea is all based on the mosaic.. blown up pixels and informed colours.

All about mock ups when presenting to the directors, so come to know the space really well. They commented that the directors "have to have vision and leeway to let you do what" -within reason.
8/10 ideas presented were shot down.

Advice Given //

Who you know is 50/50

People sometimes hate what you do, go home and make it better

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