Friday 4 May 2018

OUGD602: Fashion Styling Short Courses

To expand on my self-taught knowledge of styling and the fashion industry, I would be interested in doing a short course to 1) validate my current knowledge and 2) develop my knowledge and learn the ins and outs from a different perspective and other potential ways to work and 3) gain further connections of people within that industry. I am mainly interested in how stylists communicate the message through clothing - just as graphic communication would with type/layout, clothing is fashion's communication and that intrigues me.

The Business of Fashion offer some amazing sort courses which I may explore if I get to a dead end over the summer/upcoming months. The tutors running these are generally business-focused stylists, either freelance and represented by agencies or from within existing fashion houses. By gaining knowledge of this kind could also help commercially, in terms of setting rates and conducting proper business within the fashion world.

LCF also offer some really interesting short courses, with lots of their alumni visiting lecturers and course leaders.

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