Friday 11 May 2018

OUGD602: Glug - Ladies Wine & Design

Going to Ladies Wine & Design was a really great experience as I got to chat to lots of ladies in industry, all at once. Hearing them speak was refreshing as they all spoke about the struggles and the hurdles they faced getting to where they are now. I related a lot to their confusion and learnt that not everyone knows what they're doing or where they're going next and thats okay, paths change and just be open to ideas. 

 I managed to speak to lots of people that night, including my favorite speaker of the night Olivia, and Craig Oldham who i've previously met from D&AD last year. It was great to be surrounded by like minded people and chat creative.

- it's okay to not have your life figured out.
- being a woman in the industry means you often have to work twice as hard
- know your rights and stick up for yourself (especially in pay equality)
- paths change, that's fine

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