Sunday 13 May 2018

OUGD603: Linked In

Linked in has proven to be a super useful way of finding jobs, maintaining and growing connections within the professional world. 

At the start of the year I was on 68 connections... I now have 320 connections.

It allows you to feature your skills in a way which isn't bragging, alongside your work experience and persona as a creative. Having a professional profile is important (and very useful) when applying for jobs, as the employer has a good idea of who you and what you've done. It also enables you to research people, careers and get guidance on what path to take to reach your goal. I often see what career steps people I admire have taken, as well as trying to connect and message for advice if appropriate. The benefit of more connections is more opportunities for collaboration and networking, without the anonymity or unprofessionally of Messenger / often Instagram

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