Friday 11 May 2018

OUGD602: Ryan & Charlotte Branding

The New York trip gave me the opportunity to meet some amazing people from other courses, one in particular being Creative Advertising. Ryan Morgan & Charlotte Bailey are pairing up as a creative team, a requirement of most advertising internships, however have no real portfolio or identity to show, both individually and together as a team.

After the trip we decided to meet up so I could get to grips with who they are and what it is they are actually needing, deliverables wise. 

- They are a duo specialising in Art Direction & Copyrighting
- They want to be working for the big dog London agencies - McCan, Grey etc (planning on relocating)
- Ryan can do everything Charlotte can't, and vise-versa
- Have loootttssssss of personality and separate interests which all influence (and often improve) their work

Ryan - More interested in pop culture - fashion, music, photography
Charlotte - More 'mumsy' - interested in Food, Knitting, Travel & Travel blogs, makeup & skincare.

For this, they require:

-  A joint name & logo
- Brand identity guidelines
- Website (to launch for graduation)
- Solid tone of voice who says who they are as professionals, incorporating their own personalities
- Portfolio's & CV's

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