Friday 14 April 2017

OUGD502: Finding a Collective

In order to promote our work successfully, this brief asks us to partner up with fellow designers as a means of alliance. This alliance has the possibilities to attract more work, promote my name and style more, as well as gain new contacts and help drive a group. I have found from Studio Brief 02 that group work is something I am actually quite driven by, especially when a positive difference and benefit can be had.

I decided to partner with a group of close friends with similar interests to myself, as we always have ideas of things we can produce together- now may finally be the chance! The collective features myself, Hannah Rottger, Alice Morris, Callum Cooke, Dom Cartledge and Anna Farmer, representing different aspects of design and intentions through our practices. We all want to grow and progress into Level 6, so creating some collaborative work could also be an idea.

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