Wednesday 5 April 2017

OUGD502: PPP Presentation Overview

I felt the presentation style went fairly well, the overall response to the hand written typography was a success so will continue to incorporate that into my personal identity and style. I thankfully remembered presentation advice, not doing the river dance with my feet and acknowledging/surveying the room. The previous night I had created smaller presentation cards and just before my presentation I became really unsure about the order, so decided to make them redundant and trust my practice pays off. I feel the freeness of speaking without cards was quite refreshing, yet I did miss out a lot of key points I should have covered. This experience taught me to pencil number the cards (or use elastic bands to keep things in place!). 

I didn’t mention my sources of inspiration over the year. I have spent a lot of time watching Art and Design documentaries including Jean Michelle Basquait ‘Radient child’. Basquait was a revolutionary in his time, expressive marks and grafiti roots were very conceptual, starting doing street art under the tag SAMO and progressing to produce vast one off works of art, becoming a millionaire in the process. He was a pioneer in Neo-expressionism and people could often misunderstand his work, getting rejected from  major galleries such as The Whitney.  

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