Sunday 30 April 2017

OUGD502: Vintage Furniture Sale

The Furniture market was an interesting experience as I got to see design disciplines outside of Graphic Design. I've noticed a lot on the blogs and pages I follow, i've been growing increasingly interested in furniture and product design. The aspect of vintage finds and unique aged pieces was cool, and I wanted to find a chair for my flat. I learnt the furniture was quite overpriced as tarnished with the 'vintage' label, with bidding wars commencing in come aspects of the event. 

There wasn't just furniture, prints and garments also featured and I bought a print from a vendor to support the event to help with Studio Brief 01 for 505. Throughout the event I networked with other people interested in the pieces I was, as well as speaking to the stall holders. I met a really interesting woman Debbie who practiced as an illustrator, I got her email address after her showing me some photos of her work on her phone and it would be cool to see some more of what she does (she showed fashion illustrations similar to the woman on the left). Illustration is another medium I'm interested and it would be interesting to meet more illustrator like people. I have learn't that purchasing old furniture to re-appropriate and customise with design may not be possible in the vintage market, so if I want to experiment with multidisciplinary design (restoring and costuming a chair for instance), I may need to look into alternative methods of obtaining said chair.

I will go to more events like this in the future and really enjoyed this event!

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