Tuesday 15 March 2016

OUGD402 // Reflection Presentation

Feedback //

Penny and Simon loved how inspired I was from Lord Whitney,  leading me to create my own set in a mock up style. It was advised that this is definitely something I should do more of and push in the future, incorporating tactility and photography where relevant. In addition, it was mentioned to explore the style of Malika Favre (Vanity Fair cover) who incorporates a strong subtle concept alongside a sleek illustrative style. Both tutors also commented that with regards to the consistency I should have mentioned conceptual qualities further throughout- I feel this defiantly let me down as the pieces I included (Opera Poster/ Album Cover) do have a strong concept, yet out of time/nerves I completely skipped over this- something I need to work on in future presentations!

However, time management was a problem as I went over my allowed time (don't know how that happened) which is definitely something I need to work on in the future. Furthermore, I didn't follow my speaker notes out of nerves so didn't actually mention some of the key points (strengths/weaknesses etc) which I feel I needed to communicate, e.g.: I didn't know the pen tool until 1 month ago! It was also raised that I should not worry about 'what graphic design is', because fortunately there is no right way to conduct graphic design.

Despite having the flu and croaking through my presentation, I feel it went better than expected because of the relaxed environment and constructive feedback given from both peers and tutors.

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