Saturday 5 March 2016

OUGD402 // Self Branding 03

After creating my little photoshoot, I was brain storming possible ideas of how to go by with reference to my work. Eg: Jen Lea/ Jennifer Sedona/ jennifersedonalea / jenny lea / Jennifer Lea/ JSL etc.. My friend then raised a very valid point- why do I have to go by my own name?
It was raised that so many hugely successful people have changed/altered their names for memorability and snappiness, or gone under a pseudonym name.

As long term, I would like to run a small collective or studio, yet I don't feel fully comfortable infiltrating my own social media with my work, this seems to be the right thing for me to get my work out there!

After many hours of deliberation it came to me accidentally, purely through staring at my favourite plant in a confused trance. I concluded on PLANT LIFE, reflecting my love of plants and my love of life! The options were then...

Plant Life Design / Plant Life & Co. / Plant Life Creative / or just Plant Life.

When talking through these in a informal critique, it was raised that generally people feel alienated when artwork is associated to a large company. It takes away the personal aspect and people are less likely to invest time viewing/financially if they feel it is not benefiting the individual artist. With this in mind, Plant Life & Co (which was my personal favourite) was eliminated. 
In addition, if I simply went by 'Plant Life', it could become very mistaken for a gardening firm as it presents no relation to Graphic Design or any creative field. With this in mind, this was also eliminated. It was then the toss up between DESIGN or CREATIVE...

I settled on 'Plant Life Creative' due to the broadness 'Creative' can span, not restricting me to simply Graphic Design work. I am aware that some older professionals feel the term 'creative' is in no way creative, as a 'real creative' wouldn't need to place a label on what they are. However, I am not there yet. I am not recognised, and therefore feel by giving a subtle distinction to my field is needed. Furthermore, with the idea of a possible future collective in mind, I can easily alter any logotype/branding from CREATIVE to COLLECTIVE, if appropriate for possible future expansion or even collaborative projects if appropriate. 

As some previous experiments with branding incorporated a little plant illustration, I felt that this was the most appropriate avenue to pursue for my personal branding. I duplicated the illustration, yet made is slightly more askew, presenting myself in a slightly more unconventional/artistic way than being perfectly crisp.

I chose the san-serif typeface 'Confindel' as a starting point, due to its bold contrast and sharp accents brining a contrastingly modern approach. I am unsure if Confidel is necceserily the right choice, so I will continue to experiment with possible logotypes / illustration type collaborations.

As I have previously created a behance under the name 'Jen Lea', I will try and keep the two separate on other forms of social media to minimise confusion. On Instagram there is a huge design community, spanning almost every available creative avenue. As social media is such a prominent influencer in trends and tastes these days, it is almost essential to explore this avenue to get my work onto a public platform (aided my hashtags)

@plantlifecreative on Instagram
Exploring alternative colourings/presentation of the plant illustration//
This may later influence typographic design decisions 

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