Monday 1 May 2017


After introducing the idea to the fashion students in the Graphics x Fashion x Photography event, I was contacted by Level 6 Fashion student Madeline Rowland. I have seen her work before on Instagram and would love to collaborate with her, especially because her garments would feature well in many future editorial ideas I have in mind for personal projects.

Maddie contacted me to ask for a 'brand identity pack', but when we discussed it more it seemed that she already had a logo and business cards, with very transferable variants. I was unsure if this meant I was only needed for the production or for any design around her brand.

I then asked if Maddies current brand name Lavinia, and if she still wants me to use that kind of aesthetic for the labels/bags etc. Due to time restrictions and Maddies deadlines, to produce all the things she needs will be most effective via screen printing. Fortunately, I have access to two screens so after creating a design, this can be incorporated across collateral via screen printing. However, as I am pushed for time I am not going to go all out in helping with production, as essentially its Maddie's collection and this is unpaid work.

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