Monday 1 May 2017

OUGD502: YCC / Iris London Talk

Iris London is a large advertising agency, based in London, yet producing work for international clients and huge glocal brands. Charlotte Hugh and Danny Pallett were representatives of Iris, as well as representing their own collaborative team 'The Two Dragons'. They found that partnering up made them more successful in terms of developing ideas and making a path within the advertising world, as creative teams are often favoured in the ad world. Their talk was honest and inspiring, discussing their journey from being in our position to where they are today. 

Charlotte and Danny provided lots of further people to investigate, saying that networking and who you know is almost 80% of what contributes to success.  Their message of 'being social' prompted me to realise how much I am neglecting my Instagram, which is something I want to invest in the future to get some more of my work out there. In addition, Charlotte & Danny also advised having a enhance or square space web page, NOT a Wix account- something I will take on board when creating my own website and brand. Taking their advice onboard about being social, I followed their advice and re-joined Twitter, following the recommended people suggested. 

I plan to do to D&AD festival later in the year, so it will be good to get to know/about some of the speakers first hand over the course of the months prior to watching them speak. Vicki Ross Writes is a copywriter and brand specialist recommended who's page I have followed religiously since this talk!

After the event Charlotte, Danny and a member from YCC (Young Creative Council) were upstairs in creative advertising, so I decided to go along and speak to them about my idea for the Greenalls brief and ask some questions about the world of advertising. I asked what can be done to turn a student portfolio into something which can engage industry interest, and everyone said how self driven projects for familiar brands was the thing recruiters get most on board with, as by rebranding a familiar company shows the strength of the designer as it would have a clear success or failure. I want to take this on board, perhaps over summer taking one geographic location and rebranding/redesigning the bad shop signs and companies in that area, showing a 'before and after' aspect in my portfolio. 

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