Sunday 29 April 2018

OUGD602: Boss Creatives

Boss Creatives is a subsection to Boss Model Management, a Manchester based model agency who has started collecting and developing creative talent. The creatives on the Boss book's includes Photographers, Stylists, Models, Set Designers & linked magazines. Having the ability to be freelance but part of an agency means getting access to more work and meeting more people within the fashion industry, and potentially charging higher day rates due to the credibility agency backing can give a freelancer.

I think I'd personally thrive in an agency or like collaborative environment, as this is where I am the most driven and can utilise the majority of my skills. I enjoy meeting and working with new people, which is another byproduct of agency life.

Current Stylists on Boss Creative Management

After having a flick through some of the different stylists portfolio's, it is clear that Boss take people on based on their style and individual take on both editorial and commercial styling. My work is slightly different to all of these, however it is the most similar to Kyle Lawson - the stylist currently working with Harrison France.

In an effort to get on the books, I tracked down the email of the person who handles recruiting new creatives via LinkedIn and sent over this, alongside my portfolio. Other ideas were posting them one of my look books, however as I am in the process of making something with higher production value so don't want to give an unfinished version over just yet.

<email screenshot>

I also followed this email up with a phone call 2 days later and spoke to someone called Craig, who I'm planning to take out for coffee once deadlines are over.

I think being signed to an agency such as Boss will open so many doors for me as a stylist, not just financially but also the quality of items I can pick, brands and clients may have more faith in me and I'll have the opportunity to meet and connect with people I may not otherwise be able to which is why Boss (or like agency) is the next step in my career plans, hopefully alongside interning at magazines. 

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