Wednesday 25 April 2018

OUGD602: Rosie Verney Styling Collab

Rosie is a L5 Fashion Photography student who contacted me via Instagram asking to collaborate- she was fairly blunt in her approach (it looks like a copied and pasted message) so I was pretty unsure about doing it at first. However, with my main extended practice magazine dwindilling in content I thought a quick extra shoot couldn't hurt, and if the images turn out good then another potential addition to my portfolio. Her Instagram images are pretty good, and the concept of the shoot is super easy for me to pull clothes for as it is workwear - something I am a huge fan of and have experience working in this area..I literally already have the clothes. 

I plan to also get some of my own shots on the day to make use of the studio space - she said the shoot will only go on to 6:30, meaning hopefully the remaining 2.5 hours of that slot is up for grabs - I have plenty of looks at home that I want to shoot, so this is the perfect opportunity for me to get as much content (wether for adverts or portrait/makeup series) as possible for the magazine.

The shoot day itself was actually really enjoyable, Rosie was lovely and I learnt more about studio lighting by helping assist her setting up on the day.

I learnt how to think on my feet more and lead others, as well as articulate my styling concepts and I felt brave enough to say no, that doesn't look right, let's do it like this, which is a really positive step

Images - on the day they looked really good when they were coming up on the computer, but then she sent me over these... . Over edited, awful vignettes and bad colouring on the model Lenny's face. I asked Rosie if she could send me the unedited selects or even just a contact sheet and she said no. I understand that photographers are very precious about their work so it is hard to always achieve the desired result. Collaborating with peoples work you like is essential - so I've learnt not to do things like this again.

Best of the bunch - add typography. Rate this look.

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