Monday 16 April 2018

OUGD602: Create a Lookbook Workshop with Buttercrumble

Fashion branding, styling and marketing are all aspects I am exploring within my practice, moving forward, I want to develop those skills and harness my knowledge of graphic design in the best way possible. Buttercrumble are a friendly twin-design duo from Leeds and are hosting an event as part of York Fashion Weekend where we can creatively explore how to make a 'fashion' lookbook; this would mean moving away from the formal graphic design I have been practicing at the moment within OUGD603 (lots of grid systems, quite clean and modernist) which is quite daunting, but still something I want to try! 

<scans of book>

The day was nice and relaxing, using my hands and making something tangible to take away. I was having a bit of a creative block lately so it was nice to try something different and see if I can incorporate that into ways of working. Abigail from Buttercrumble and I were chatting a lot throughout the whole day, discussing university in Leeds, fashion, design people we like and what we thought about design. I showed her some of my work (the little fashion publication I did at the start of the year) and gave her a copy.

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