Tuesday 17 April 2018

OUGD602: LRFS - Promo Shoots (War.)


Shot shortly after Birth, War focuses on the conflict. For this, Nick (LRFS Director) & I created this narrative of love, hate and passion between two seemingly normal individuals. War as a scene represents the internal war we have with ourselves and within relationships, so by showing the pair arguing, then coming back together was a way of visualising this. We introduced a double narrative by making the characters switch roles within the editing, first showing Morris as the antagonist and then flipping to Lin- and vice versa. 

Initially we planned to film at Beaverworks, an abandoned warehouse turned club in Leeds, however after the success of using the Tetley for the Birth shoot, we wanted to develop the relationship with them and chose to shoot in the left-wing room yet again. The benefit of using that space was also it was F.O.C, whereas Beaverworks would have been £80 for the day- yet it was a slightly bigger and edgier venue.

Inspo Videos

Joyner Lucas - I'm not a racist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43gm3CJePn0
Sia - Elastic Heart - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWZGAExj-es
American Psycho
Kendrick Lamar - DNA & Loyalty - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLZRYQMLDW4
Southpaw - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ua2fWPG9nJE
Moonlight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NJj12tJzqc
Miguel - Going to hell - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWUzCfuAyzU
After going through countless songs, we settled Nicholas Britell - The Middle of The World & the Spot, due to the dramatic narrative and emotive progressions depicted through the classical music and variable undertones.

Story Board: 

For ease of the committee and external videographers, we composed all admin, call sheets and storyboards in the same pdf document. This was the best format as the A4 portrait adapted well to peoples phones for access on the go and on set. It also meant it was easy to print and didn't consume too much time to create.
This video concept was primarily handled by Nick, one of the directors, who had a fairly specific way of how he wanted the video to be structured. The use of transitioning between perspectives was an idea generated from discussion, something we found to be a great way to come up with ideas.


 From an organisational point of view, I also felt that the set up and preparation was perfect. Learning from previous shoots, fabrics can often get creased in transit or throughout the day of shooting and wear. Having an ironing board/lint rollers became really useful, as did a table and clothing rail which became key items I'd source and pack for shoots in the future.

Final Promo Image

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