Wednesday 25 April 2018

OUGD602: INTERNSHIPS - Wonderland Magazine

I have been applying for internships regularly through various websites, as well as emailing magazines that I like the work of (particularly New York based) in the hope to get something after graduating. The potential to intern with Angie Smith could be a great route into styling, or they could just use me for more mundane jobs where I don't end up learning anything.

I read Wonderland regularly and I love their content and the people they collaborate with - in terms of fashion editorial, the designer potential is limitless (so that is one step closer towards my goal). Furthermore, I'm much more interested in the editorial and runway aspect of fashion more so than celebrity dressing. It would be interesting to see if the styling process for editorial is the same as I'm familiar with - chasing couriers etc.

I tried to find her name when making the application - I searched Linked in etc however there were multiple people who it could have gone to, so I played it safe. Dear Sir/Madam..


Since getting the internship I have helped out on shoots, but mainly acted as a free courier for the team of stylists. I've learnt I don’t want to work with people like that, but I want to see if more people in fashion are like that - as the ones I’ve met have been quite friendly. I do wish I was in the North when I’m in London, so perhaps working for a Manchester based magazine, where I get to go on shoots (and hopefully have more control) would be a good option for me if I don’t make Wonderland work best for me quickly. As I’m still in contact with them (even in the interns group chat - ‘The New Emily’) they often send out messages requesting assistants for shoots on specific days, often with Celeb’s, I’m helping out at one with Lucky Blue Smith 

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