Wednesday 4 April 2018

OUGD602: INTERNSHIPS - Angie Smith Stylist

Angie Smith is a stylist to the stars, as well as working within the editorial photography community. She is the personal stylist of Holly Willhouby, Amanda Holden, Davina McColl and many other TV Personalities so a great way in to the industry. I found the role through trustee website 'Fashion Workie' and the role is just to assist her, as well as potentially go to LONDON FASHION WEEK (aka, Mecca) to assist as well.

The roll isn't necessarily exactly what I want to be doing however working in the celeb/CV sector does allow my name to get out there much easier than in publishing. Angie Smith does runway, TV and commercial styling and has been working in the industry for over 15 years. 

Her Work

After applying yesterday, I received a really prompt reply and have arranged to go down and meet her in London on Monday. Megabus here we come. I've learnt from LRFS that fast communication helps build relationships, so to make sure this is a successful one I made sure I was constantly checking my emails after receiving her initial reply.

Prepping for the meeting - 5 DAYS TO GO.


Styling Portfolio
Updated CV
Fire outfit

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