Tuesday 17 April 2018

OUGD602: LRFS - Promo Shoots (Birth.)

As a way to create marketing content, the directors and I planned a series of promotional shoots, showcasing each of the 5 subsections of the theme 'Timeless'. The show will be broken into a narrative, represented by the scenes Birth, War, Peace, Death and Revival, a concept to explore the circle of life. The aspect of revival allows the audience to 'paint their own future', and links again around to the start of life (birth) and rejuvenation.

This shoot was the third shoot we did properly together, we were getting into our stride and we felt had what we were doing down to an almost fine art. The models were having fun, all embracing their bodies and loving themselves.


Sat, 6th January 2016 @ The Tetley

To convey what the scene birth represents, we were inspired by self-love and body positivity. Upbeat friendly music was used to indicate positive vibes and optimism, with all ethnicities and genders/non-binary genders presented as equals throughout. The styling was inspired by the 'Dove, Real Women' advert, which shows real women with minimal/no makeup and morning attire. 


Photography was mainly by Lucy R Jones, the content creator on the LRFS Committee. On the day, I also shot some film myself, as well as having a disposable camera to be passed around crew, allowing us to get a more intimate BTS documentation of the day.

The Birth promo shoot was an introduction to the theme, with styling being a fairly minimal role within this. Kiran (Head of RAG Events), Bella (LRFS P.R Dept) and I brainstormed ways to visually show the concept of new beginnings and tranquility than a little self-love campaign, promoting happiness within your own skin and acceptance of racial differences.

Main Image to be used for posters
We produced a mixture of content, from Video to Studio to soft, natural behind the scenes shots. On the day we had 2 videographers and Lucy and I photographing. As I was handling photographic content at the time, it was my role to make sure we had a full documentation of the day - including 'professional' shots and the softer side of things (LRFS Instagram content) - perhaps with a publication idea in mind. 

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